Canadian Citizenship
Before you start this formal process of applying for Canadian citizenship and submitting the application, the eligibility to become a Canadian citizen must be assured. The application process includes preparing and submitting the immigration forms for the citizenship application. Additionally, all the required documents, including but not only the proof of compliance with the residency obligation and the proof of your language skills in English or French, must be submitted with an application (some exemptions apply). Once the application is submitted and processed, the applicant (with some exemptions) will be invited for the citizenship test, an interview, the Oath of Citizenship, and the citizenship ceremony.
Citizenship Test
You’ll be asked questions about your rights and obligations as a Canadian and Canada’s history, geography, economy, government, laws, and symbols, among other things. 
Our legal team will be glad to facilitate this process. We can check your eligibility to become a Canadian citizen and assist you with applying. Call us now at (905) 370-0484 or complete the “Contact Us” form, and one of our law clerks will contact you.